Monday, July 29, 2013

Madelyn & Kate July 2013

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.” 
-A.A. Milne

This quote always reminds me of my friend Heather.   When I first met Heather she was a 7th grader who volunteered to help in my first grade classroom.  Our relationship has grown and changed over the years and I'm blessed to call this amazing woman my friend...  the little girl who filed papers, made copies and stapled materials to the bulletin boards has grown up and now has 2 little girls of her own.   These 2 little girls are exceptional little beings.  They were full of energy and so excited about spending the night.  I enjoyed every minute with them, including an active photo session (playing at the park, the playground and in the backyard sprinkler).  

It's special to have a sister!  I'm lucky to have a little sister and I consider Heather an adopted sister.  I just loved watching Madelyn and Kate interact.  Madelyn is very much the big sister and Kate obviously wants to do everything that her big sister does (and more... she is a dare devil!).  I took so many great photos of these adorable little girls that it was so hard to pick out what to edit (this is a GOOD problem)!  I hope these photos capture their special sister relationship as it is at 2 (and a 1/2) and 5 (and a 1/2) - when you are 2 and 5, the half is very important! (smile)

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.

"Yes, Piglet?"

"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.” 
-A. A. Milne

Heather's family was featured in my first blog post!  You can see it here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Theresa's Senior Session July 2013

As promised, here are more pictures from Theresa's senior session.  This time we met at her home.  I love shooting photos of people at their home... my subjects are always super comfortable in a place that is meaningful to them!  Check out Theresa "at home"!

(First Post)
Once upon a time there was a spunky little girl named Theresa.  She was lively, full of life, a great friend to other children, a hard worker and cute as could be.  I was her first grade teacher and having Theresa in my class was a delight.  Then, she grew up and became an amazing young woman... beautiful, kind, sweet and a high school senior.  

Our session started on a cloudy Saturday morning.  Since it was overcast, I pulled out my pretty umbrellas to use for props.  It did rain just a bit, but that didn't stop us from having a great session.  With a few breaks for "hair repair" I got some stunning images of the lovely Theresa!  It took a few shots to get warmed up and then her personality came shining through.  When she breaks into a big smile, her eyes just sparkle and you have to smile too!

Theresa and I will have a few more sessions, so I'll be adding photos to this post.  Check back to see the next group of photos.  For now, I hope you enjoy the pretty pictures of Theresa below!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Walker Family

I had the pleasure of taking Keifer's Senior pictures last summer.  You can see his photos here.  This time, I returned to the Walker Family home for a family session.

I started with a "blessing" from a bird (thank goodness it missed my camera which I was holding in my hand)!  We drove back to their beautiful woods and set up for the first shot... only to have everyone attacked by mosquitos.  After a quick spray down with some repellent, we got started.  The Walkers were great!  It was pretty wet and the ground was muddy in many places, but it was such a beautiful morning and their woods provided a lovely spot for their family photos.

We were all pretty soggy and muddy by the time I finished, but check out the photos below and you will see why it was worth it!

Thanks Walker Family for a fun photo session!!