This particular Senior photo session was especially meaningful to me. Why? ...because it was for Ethan.
Ethan was in my first grade class many years ago. We had so much fun that year! I had no idea that he would be such a big part of my classroom for so many years after that.
Starting when he was in 6th grade, Ethan has been helping in my classroom. What began with helping to take my students to the buses has evolved into being a huge part of my classroom!! I can't begin to think about how things will be next year... when Ethan isn't there. He has given up his free time before school, during study halls and after school to assist me in preparing materials and prepping the classroom each day for 6 years! He has also provided help to students. My first graders consider Ethan a member of our "first grade family." ...and next year, he will begin his own journey to become an educator. I couldn't be MORE proud of him but, I will also miss him terribly. There will be a little "empty" feeling in the classroom without ETHAN there!
Ah, but time marches forward and there I was taking his Senior photos. It was a joy. We are so completely relaxed around each other that I knew his photos would look amazing. The leaves had just started to turn and the temperature had finally dropped. It was MY kind of day!! I know his mom got choked up a few times watching me photograph her oldest son... thank goodness I had too many "technical" things to think about or I would have been right there with her! Two of Ethan's good friends came along (you can see Rachel and Sarah's senior pictures HERE). These 3 "kids" have been such good buddies since they started school together many years ago... and are still friends (and I suspect they always will be)!
I hope you enjoy viewing Ethan's pictures. They are so special to me and a few of them will find there way into my classroom so that next year, Ethan can still be a part of it!
Thanks Ethan... you are the BEST! ...and as I always tell all my teacher friends, "everyone needs an Ethan in their classroom!" I wish you luck on the next part of your educational journey. Don't forget to stay in touch and yes, I know, you are still planning on replacing me when I retire (smile).