Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kate is Eight!

My niece turned eight this past week and she celebrated with lots of family and friends.  Kate has her OWN sense of style and it shows.  She is confident and isn't afraid to express herself.  This was completely evident when she plugged in her new speaker/microphone system and belted out some tunes!  I love watching her open gifts... she has the best reactions.  Whether it's a card with her picture on the front, a new pair of jeans or a big, old speaker for her iPod, she is completely THRILLED and you can SEE it on her face.  ...and of course, there are party games for all the kids.  One game required all the kids to wrap each other with a roll of toilet paper.  Another game had them squirting whipped cream into a partner's cup (being held in the partner's teeth).  Needless to say, there were a lot of sticky faces at the end of that one!

I'll keep this short as it's late and I should be sleeping... sometimes there just aren't enough minutes in the day! (smile)

I think Kate turning Eight is just Great!

me with Kate

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Mollie's Snow Day

What do you do when you wake up Monday morning and you find out your school is cancelled for a snow day?  If you are ME and you are just itching to get out and do a winter photo shoot, you call your good friend and ask if her teenage daughter would be willing to get out of bed and be photographed out in the snow and cold!   That's just what happened this past Monday.  Hard to believe that we had a snow day this past week with the sun shining now and not a pinch of snow is left on the ground.

My friend's daughter, Mollie, is the PERFECT model!  She jumped out of bed, got herself ready in a flash and even packed of bag of clothing changes.  It was still snowing like crazy when we arrived at the park.  Mollie was such a professional!  She was freezing the whole time, but you wouldn't know it.  Just look at the pictures below and you can see Mollie's incredible beauty and personality.  The thing about Mollie is this... she is the kind of teenager I hope my nieces and nephews grow up to be.  She is a gifted musician, an excellent student, a loyal friend... she is kind to others and when ever someone comes to my house and sees one of her pictures on the kitchen board, I hear things like "Oh, I just love Mollie" or "Oh, I know her, she is such a sweet person".   I can't agree more.   ...and how did this young woman turn out so amazing?  That would be due to the incredible person who raised her... my friend and colleague!!

We spent about 2 1/2 hours "playing" in the snow before quitting.  By then, I think Mollie was completely frozen (but still smiling and having a great time).  I always love taking Mollie's picture and we already planned a spring shoot - won't she look lovely with a background of tulips or daffodils?

I'm guessing this was the last snow of the WORST winter (as far as I'm concerned!) in years.  The lack of snow was depressing... I'm hoping for a MUCH snowier winter in 2013!!

Until then, I'll just have to embrace the fact that Spring is around the corner!