I purchased a new lens today! A Nikon 50mm!!! I met a friend for lunch out of town and I mentioned that I was ready to purchase a new lens, but wanted to buy from a shop rather than the internet (I like to talk to a REAL person when I purchase something that is a bit pricey... especially if I have to return it!). She promptly pulled out her phone and found out there was a shop about 5 minutes away. I have driven by the shopping area where the camera shop is located many times, but NEVER even noticed it. Needless to say, about 20 minutes later, I walked out with my new lens. ...and I was practically giddy! Unfortunately, I haven't had much playing time yet, but I'm sure I'll be shooting a lot of photos in the next few days. Since I most love taking photos of people, I will be "bothering" some of my "models". Hopefully, they will be willing victims! :-) I'll post some photos taken with the new lens if a few days. Until then, here are a few taken with my old lens at my nephew's 10th birthday party.
My nephew and his Mom... can't believe he is 10!
My niece... she's 2! Peek a boo!